Warwick & Leamington Beekeepers, through its County Association is a
registered charity no. 500276. Its aims are to promote beekeeping to a high standard and to educate the public about honey bees.
By joining Warwick & Leamington Beekeepers, you automatically become a member of
Warwickshire Beekeepers' Association (WBKA) and the
British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA), which has its offices conveniently located at Stoneleigh Park
Beekeeping Training and Courses
We run an annual
Introduction to Beekeeping Course and are an avenue to a wide range of beekeeping related training events, mentoring to support novices and we enable experienced beekeepers to keep up-to-date.
Both product liability and public liability
insurance cover in respect of beekeeping activities is provided through membership.
Our Membership
We are the major communication network for beekeepers in our area. We issue monthly newsletters and hold social events to enable our members to interact. Membership numbers continue to grow as shown in the
Membership Trends graph.
WLBK Member Services and Benefits
We have an extensive beekeeping library freely available for use by Members.
We help the public by
collecting swarms of bees, which we distribute to our members enabling them to supplement their colonies
Our annual
honey show, judged by an experienced beekeeper from outside our branch, has the aim of maintaining and improving the quality of the products we sell.
Our service to our Members includes the supply of beekeeping consumables at very competitive prices through our Co-operative Purchasing Scheme
The number of honey bee colonies run by our members varies widely. Whilst many only produce honey for themselves, neighbours etc, many sell to the public. If you are interested in purchasing honey, please use our
enquiry form. We will endeavour to put you in touch with a supplier near you.
Members with a small number of colonies or limited space have the benefit of using our honey extraction facility or borrowing extraction equipment for use at home.
When we can, we give advice to our members regarding suitable locations to keep bees and help them locate sites.
To help the public to understand the behaviour of honey bees and their role in the ecological system, we represent our craft at shows and
give talks to a wide range of social groups. We care for a glass walled beehive in the Warwickshire Museum, Market Place Warwick, where honey bees can be viewed flying in and out and working in the hive.
If you would like to discuss how we might help you, please complete an
enquiry form or contact our Branch Secretary.
Further WLBK Information
Honorary Members
Child Protection Policy