Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI)
The minimum premium payable for Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) by each Member is £2.00 per annum, which insures 1-3 colonies. In return for this premium payment, compensation will be paid under certain conditions if a hive has to be destroyed to prevent the spread of disease. It should be noted carefully that for those whose membership subscriptions have been received by the Branch Hon. Treasurer by 31 March, BDI is immediately effective. For those whose subscription has not been received by this date (new & existing members) a claim cannot be made until the colonies have been insured for at least 40 days. There is no facility to pro rata this insurance premium if joining the Branch during the membership year.
Associate Members are NOT insured for BDI.
Beekeeping members can insure more colonies for the following additional premiums:
Up to 5 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £2.00
Up to 10 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £5.25
Up to 15 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £7.75
Up to 20 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £9.50
Up to 25 colonies (including the basic three) an additional £11.10
For 26 colonies (including the basic three) and up to a maximum of 39 please consult the Association Treasurer. BDI insurance becomes effective each year from the time that the member’s Branch receives his or her membership subscription and any additional BDI premium is received if before 31 March. Otherwise 40 days must elapse after receipt of the premium by the Branch before a claim can be made.
For compensation rates in the event of a colony having to be destroyed, please consult the BBKA website
Public & Products Liability Insurance for Members
The BBKA has an insurance policy that covers individual beekeepers, who are members of the BBKA
The Public Liability relates to beekeeping activities and has a £5,000,000 limit of liability.
A notice of cover is available for members attending farmers markets etc., where proof of cover is required.
The Public Liability insurance also covers officers of branches and associations undertaking their activities in connection with their group.
In addition the insurance covers product liability up to £5,000,000.
For information on the above insurance please contact BBKA Headquarters or see the Members Area of the BBKA web-site.